Are you looking for meaning? The Big Story


Are you looking for meaning? The Big Story (23.8.21):

  • Creation. Genesis 1:1: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”
  • Fall. Romans 3:23: “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”
  • Redemption. Ephesians 2:4: But God, who is rich in mercy.
  • Re-creation. Revelation 21:5: “I am making everything new.”


This episode is part of the podcast, “Blind in the Past”. Here’s its playlist.

There’s also an Italian version, “Cieco in passato”. Here’s that playlist.

I hope you like the podcast. If so, please tell your friends about it 🙂 Grazie!


Seguimi su Facebook: Pietro Ciavarella

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Venite a trovarci 🙂

Podcast (italiano and English).


Sermoni sulla Lettera di Paolo ai Romani.

Sermoni sul sola Scriptura, soltanto la Bibbia.

Sermoni sull’Avvento e sul Natale.

Sermoni sulla Croce di Cristo.

Sermoni della Quaresima e sulla Pasqua.

Altri sermoni.

Sermons in English.




Se sei una donna, per te c’è anche lo studio biblico per le donne di mia moglie Silvia 🙂