Sermons in English

I rarely preach in English. But here are some of my sermons in English.

Blind in the Past, podcast episodes.

Three Women Who Lead Us to True Beauty (24.6.23) = La parola alle donne (25.6.23).

-Christmas sermon: Merry Christmas: A King is Born (Isaiah 9:6-7; Luke 1:31-33) 25.12.22. Also in Italian: Buon Natale: il Re è nato (Isaia 9:5-6; Luca 1:31-33).

Easter sermon (12.4.20)

-Who killed Jesus? The answer is perhaps more complex than you thought (video; post). THIS SERMON IS BILINGUAL, in English and Italian.

Hebrews 11:8, Abraham, the Follower of God

John 13:1-17 (24.5.20).

Czego Bóg oczekuje od nas? (Polish; interpreter Pawel). What Does God Expect from Us?” (English; preacher Pietro Ciavarella). Preached at the Kościół Wolnych Chrześcijan – Bielsko Biała, Poland on Sunday, 31 July 2022.

Powrót Chrystusa – The Return of Christ

25-29 July 2022 Biały Dunajec, Poland

Teacher: Pietro Ciavarella.

Interpreter: Szymon Matusiak*

1 Powrót Chrystusa – cz 1; The Return of Christ – part 1.

2 Powrót Chrystusa – cz 2; The Return of Christ – part 2.

3 Dni ostatnie – cz 1; The Last Days – part 1.

4 Dni ostatnie – cz 2; The Last Days – part 2.

5 Dobra nowina i zła nowina; Good News and Bad News.

6 Od raju utraconego do raju odzyskanego; From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained.

(Link to all six messages)

*See Szymon’s book on the Jehovahs’ Witnesses. Włodzimierz Bednarski e Szymon Matusiak, Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Ever-Changing Teachings: The most important changes in the doctrine of the Watchtower Society in the years 1879-2015.

Doktryna Wybrania (Polish; interpreter Tomasz Chechelski). Doctrine of Election (English; preacher Pietro Ciavarella). Preached at Kościół Chrześcijański Dobra Nowina – Kraków, Poland on on Sunday 24 July 2022.

The Pleasure and Profit of Bible Study (Pietro and Tomasz) / Przyjemność i zysk ze studiowania Biblii:

Why Read the Bible. Po co czytać Biblię?

How to Read the BibleJak czytać Słowo Boże?

What Benefits Come from Reading the BibleJaka korzyść płynie z czytania Biblii?

Sermons in Polish / Kazania po polsku.

Sermoni in italiano.

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Facciamo il live streaming dei nostri sermoni la domenica mattina alla pagina Facebook della Chiesa Evangelica Riformata l’Isolotto di Firenze (fb: CERIFI).

Se sei una donna, per te c’è anche lo studio biblico per le donne di mia moglie Silvia 🙂

Seguimi su Facebook: Pietro Ciavarella