Sono un prozio. Benvenuto in famiglia, piccolo Ashton!

Ecco il mio pronipote Ashton, nato oggi negli USA, e la sua mamma Ashley!

Ashely and Ashton 11.11.16

E qui l’augurio che ho scritto ad Ashton a nome della sua famiglia italiana. (Nel giugno dell’87 da Monte Porzio Catone, Roma, scrissi una lettera a mio nipote Max quando egli è nato. Max ovviamente è il babbo di Ashton e moglie di Ashley. Sembra proprio ieri.)

Dear Ashton,
Welcome to the outside world and to the family!
What great news to hear that you and your mom are doing well. We know your parents are so proud of you. So are we.
We pray that you would have a rich life and know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior from a young age.
At your parents’ wedding your mom’s relative, a pastor of the historic African Methodist Episcopal church, gave a solemn and beautiful charge to your parents (Max and Ashley) on their biblical duties as husband and wife. Now God has richly blessed them with your arrival.
Your dad’s mom was my (Pietro’s) sister and was the sweetest and gentlest of the five of us and loved your dad and your uncle Cody more than words can describe.
Your whole family in Italy wishes you the very, very best!
Great-uncle Pietro and great-aunt Silvia (whose birthday was yesterday)
and Marco and Paolo Ciavarella
ashton cody max Gabby
Gabby e suo fidanzato lo zio Cody, che tiene in braccio Ashton
e mio nipote Max, marito di Ashley e padre di Ashton