The fourth Gospel is full of the Old Testament… a D.A. Carson quotation

I’m skimming one of D.A. Carson’s first books: Divine Sovereignty and Human Responsibility. Biblical Perspectives in Tension, Marshall, Morgan and Scott, London 1981. Here’s just a tidbit from pages 132-3.


“The fourth Gospel is full of the Old Testament, which it treats, not primarily as a source for proof-texts, but as the foundation for all that takes place in the revelation of God in Jesus. This has been well-documented, and need not be reviewed here. But it is worth pointing out how, from the [p. 133 begins here] perspective of the fourth evangelist, the Old Testament must be interpreted in a christocentric way, if it is to be interpreted aright (5.39f., 46f.). Not only did Moses and the prophets write about Jesus (1.45; 5.46f.), but Abraham saw his day (8.56) and Isaiah his glory (12.38). Jesus is the logos, whose introduction in the Prologue evokes thoughts both of Wisdom and of Genesi 1. Even the replacement motifs – e.g. Jesus not only cleanses the Temple but replaces it (2.13-22; cf. 4:21ff.); replaces Moses, in part by surpassing him; displaces the Jewish feasts and appropriates their cardinal symbols (2.13, 23; 5.1; 6.4; 7.2, 27, etc., and contexts) – guarantee the christocentricity of this Gospel. These motifs are established by way of predominantly pesher exegesis which presupposes new revelation enabling the identification of Jesus with the roles alluded to from Old Testament passages.”

“John’s selection of the events he relates is not haphazard. Jesus came into the world to fulfill specific roles. Thus the disciples eventually understand from the Scriptures that Jesus had to rise from the dead (20.9). Specific references to Old Testament passages are most frequent in connection with Jesus’ passion; and it is just here that such references become more and more connected with hoti (12.39) and hina (12.38; 13.18; 15.25, 17.12; 19.24, 28, 36f.; instead of kathos, 1.23; 6.31; 7.38; 12.14)” (italics are always in Carson).

This books is somewhat technical, though readable if you regularly read exegetical and theological works. But don’t miss Carson’s commentary on John’s Gospel. You won’t regret purchasing and reading it.


Here, on the other hand, are three youtube videos of Carson’s teaching on the use of the Old Testament in the New Testament, one of the many topics on which he is an expert.


D.A. Carson on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament (1/3)

D.A. Carson on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament (2/3)

D.A Carson on the New Testament Used of the Old Testament (3/3)